If the ordered product is damaged at the time of delivery, if the customer needs the same model product, will be provided within 6 weeks.
If the ordered product is damaged at the time of delivery, if the customer needs the different product at the same price, Uwcart will contact and dispatch the product within 7 working days.
If the ordered product is damaged at the time of delivery if the customer needs a refund. the amount/price will be refunded to the customer's bank within 7 working days.
Once the order is placed in the furnished category, if the customer wants to cancel the order, he/she should cancel within 48 hours and the amount/price will be refunded within 7 working days.
Once the order is placed in the Semi-furnished category, if the customer wants to cancel the order, he/she should cancel within 72 hours and the amount/price will be refunded within 7 working days.